We are a specialised, boutique legal practice focused on the resolution of estate and trust administrations and disputes.
We practise exclusively in estates, trusts and succession law, but we bring to our work unique insights forged from broader experience in commercial law and litigation, and a philosophy about why we do what we do.
The law and practice in these areas is complex, and responsive to the unique factual circumstances within each estate, trust and family. The people affected by these administrations and estates can reluctantly find themselves at the intersection of various legal and emotional challenges, which require a circuit breaker.
Achieving a resolution in these cases usually requires more than legal knowledge.
Our underlying philosophy is about gaining insight into the unique ‘personality’ of each dispute, estate or trust in order to direct strategy and outcomes. Our aim is to harness those broader insights to guide the way we plan, communicate and ultimately solve problems.
We combine our technical knowledge with insight to deliver impact within the dynamics of each administration and dispute.
Read more about who we are and what we do.